Open Campus @ May 18th, 2024

NAIST Open Campus for applicants will be held in an onsite style. Ubi-lab will provide laboratory introduction onsite and online.

📣 Laboratory Introduction

Date: 2024, May. 18 13:00~

Onsite: Information Science Building “A” 4th floor, A407 (seminar room of Ubi-lab)
Online: zoom (link)

📆 About personal consultation

At Open Campus, we will have personal consultations only for onsite visitors.

Onsite: Please come to Ubi-lab, and ask students or professors.
Online: Please apply to Daily Campus Tour (both online/onsite is ok) of the Information Science Division. We will arrange a meeting scheduled later. Or don’t hesitate to get in touch with us after the Laboratory Introduction.

Other materials

📕 Laboratory Guide

The latest introduction of Ubi-lab is provided.

Laboratory Guide [2022] (approx. 4.1 MB)

🎥 YouTube Channel

You can touch laboratory Introduction and some research projects on YouTube.
Channel URL:

Laboratory PV

🚀 NAIST UBI Digital Library

The latest publications and projects of Ubi-lab are listed on this website.

📝 Laboratory Blog

Ubi-lab’s students post their lives at NAIST.