Welcome to Website of Ubiquitous Computing Systems Laboratory, NAIST!

Welcome to Website of Ubiquitous Computing Systems Laboratory, NAIST, Japan (NAIST-UBI). Make our Life smarter In our laboratory, we set three target areas and promote research, with the aim of making our society smarter through cyber physical system (CPS) technologies that link the real world and the cyber world. In “Smart Home” area, we conduct research on recognition and prediction of activities of daily living as well as intelligent home appliance control utilizing sensors and machine learning in the testbed living environment of 1LDK installed in the university. In “Smart Life” area, we are working on research to measure and improve the degree of physical and mental health in everyday life and sports using smartphone applications and wearable devices. In “Smart City” area, targeting tourism, we conduct research on efficient participatory information collection by means of gamification and curation that creates valuable information by selecting and summarizing the collected information. Furthermore, to realize smart offices with the aim ofv improving...